As we all know, woodlands provide primary and vital functions, such as biodiversity protection and guardians of fresh water sources.
“Forests are the core of the solutions that can help us make peace with nature”
“we need all-hands-on-deck to support the forests worldwide”
said Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed.
On the other hand failing to protect them would have a major negative impact on damaging and rising carbon emissions.
She added that, forests must be properly and sufficiently financed, through easing and reducing debt burdens for those States which are expected to do more for woodland protection and sustainable agriculture overall.
Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization, QU Dongyu, stated that “our generation must be the one that halts deforestation, biodiversity loss and climate change…and achieve better nutrition, better production, a better environment and a better life.”
Forests are key for our planet as they provide food security, energy and income while storing carbon and while giving a home to most of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity.
“Forests offer hope to heal people, environment, good energy and economy” said FAO chief; and this is the main reason why we should work hard everyday to protect them and preserve them.